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Below is the Detroit News story:
'Brigade protects Bloomfield Village'
Executives serve as volunteer fire fighters, by Barbara Doerr..News Staff writer
It's executive action when volunteer firefighters roll out on a call from Bloomfield village, an affluent subdivision in Oakland County.
The unique force, comprised of a doctor, dentists, automotive engineers and other professionals, handle the fire calls within the one-square mile subdivision in Bloomfield Township.
'Every time our trucks go out, they have a couple million dollars worth of talent on them', said John J. Ahern, director of security for GM. who serves as president of the Bloomfield Village Association board of trustees.
The volunteer force was founded in 1942, when a large portion of the subdivision was farmland and orchards where magnificent two-story colonial homes now stand, ranging in value up from $80,000.
THE VILLAGE residents have continued the operation of their own fire and police department, which includes a fire engine, a ladder truck and pumper along with two police cars.
Village residents finance the services through an extra $100 a year in taxes.
'We look upon it a being a good neighbor proposition,' Ahern said.
The volunteer force handles calls ranging from house fires to downed power lines within the 1,000-home subdivision.
Heading the volunteer force is John R. Nyland, president of the metal and automotive products division of Indian Head.
Nyland said there is a lot of camaraderie among the 25 men and five officers on the volunteer fire force, who show up three nights a month for drills, and go through a rigorous training course to qualify.
As far as the attraction for firefighting. Nyland said with a smile. 'I guess all men like fire engines'.
Working with the volunteer force also gives the men an opportunity to switch occupational roles. 'We were out at a fire when one of the men hurt his hand, but when we looked around for the doctor, he was up on the roof,' Nyland said.
THE VILLAGE also employs a paid professional fireman who mans the station from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday, and its five man police force are also paid professionals.
The dispatching work for the village's departments and handled through the Bloomfield Township, and the firefighting volunteers have monitor radios set up in their homes.